Wisconsin School Forest Map
School Forests Program
This interactive map shows the location and boundaries of the school forest lands registered with LEAF-Wisconsin’s K-12 Forestry Education Program. Use this as a resource to find and learn about different school forests in Wisconsin! The yellow outlines are not the exact boundaries of the school forest or the parcel that is owned. A legal boundary can only be determined by a licensed surveyor. In some cases, the forest is on the school grounds which contains non-registrable lands (i.e. buildings, athletic fields, and parking lots). The registered acres indicate the actual size of the school forest, while GIS acres are the size of the whole yellow outline.
Navigating the interactive map is made easy using the following quick tips. Use the + and – buttons to zoom in or out. Click on a county that you are interested in to zoom to it or type a specific forest name in the search bar to find it quickly! If the base map disappears when you zoom in, use the “–“ button until it reappears, or try a different style. Click the Home button to return to where you started. Choose which layers you want to turn on and off by using the double arrows button in the top left corner of the map. Click within the yellow boundary to see some quick facts about the forest. Type the Latitude and Longitude from the pop-up into Google maps to get directions to each specific school forest.
If you wish to obtain the GIS data for the Wisconsin School Forest layer, contact Gretchen Marshall at Gretchen.Marshall@uwsp.edu.
Map created by Michael Mills in partnership with LEAF.
School Forest Resources
Use the buttons below to navigate the rest of the school forest website to find relevant information and resources for your local school forest programs.
About Wisconsin’s School Forests
Learn more about the Wisconsin’s School Forest Program’s history, and explore the registered School Forests around Wisconsin.
Getting Started / Registration
Learn more about the educational value that the School Forest Program offers, who is eligible to apply, and the registration process.
Developing Your School Forest Program
Developing your School Forest Program can be challenging. LEAF’s School Forest Program provides several tools to get you started.
Sustaining Your School Forest
LEAF provides several tools and resources you may find helpful as you think about programming to offer at your school forest.