The LEAF Wisconsin K-12 Forestry Lesson Guide includes complete interdisciplinary units for teaching students about forests and forestry in Wisconsin.
Subject areas addressed in the lessons include Arts, English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. The Wisconsin Model Academic Standards and H. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory were referenced during the development of the guide. The LEAF Lesson Guide is based on principles outlined in the LEAF Conceptual Guide To K-12 Forestry Education in Wisconsin.
Unit-Based Lessons
The unit-based lessons are divided by grade levels: K-1, 2-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, and 9-12. Lessons build upon one another to provide connectivity in the students’ educational experience. When taught as a unit, these lessons provide students a well-rounded understanding of forestry in Wisconsin. You may find that they are also effective when taught individually and integrated with other classroom material. Each lesson includes an introduction, step-by-step procedure for activities, and a conclusion. Formative assessment is woven throughout each lesson. Questions with answers are provided to help teachers follow the level of understanding of students. Summative assessment ideas are listed at the end of each lesson. Suggested activities have students apply what they have learned in a new way.
Careers Exploration
There are hundreds of interesting and exciting forestry-related careers. In each lesson you will find a career profile of a forestry professional working in Wisconsin. Use these profiles to help students explore careers by reading them aloud, copying and handing them out, or creating a bulletin board. At the end of each unit is a careers activity that utilizes the career profiles from the unit.
Field Enhancements
Take your students outside for some hands-on learning and fun with forestry field enhancements. Each unit contains at least three field enhancements that can be done in your schoolyard or school forest. These activities are designed to enhance the classroom lessons by adding tactile elements and exploration.